You can use this form to create a complex search, adding just one or several of the options. Once you’ve set your criteria, click Search.
For example, you could add the word ‘Fire’ to the search box and then set dates from 1666 to 1700 if you want to retrieve images relating to the Great Fire of London created during the seventeenth century (note that dates on the London Picture Archive record when images were created, rather than the date of the event that they represent). This search will return images relating to the Great Fire and other fire related images from the period.
A note about subjects: We are constantly building and developing the collections and at this stage not all of the images are fully tagged with subjects. If you don’t find what you’re looking for using the subject lists below, please use the Search or Advanced Search features, as there may be relevant images which do not have a full set of allocated subjects and can only be tracked down by searching.